Now lets go back to the alphabet
arranged in the figure eight (8) pattern and take another look in regards
to a few other things such as the structure in the Essene Tree of Life.
The Essene Tree of Life is represented by a tree with seven roots and seven
branches. The image of a man is seen in the trunk of the tree.
There are seven (7) meditations associated with the branches and seven
(7) associated with the roots. Sans the meditations, here is a representation
of this:
A few brief thoughts: Aleph (God; Father) stands at the door between earth (the lower half of the 8) and heaven (the upper half). On earth it is to be as it is in heaven, or 'as above, so below'. The gospel plan and all things originate in the Father (God) and are the parts of God (represented by the letter aleph). We are born on earth, having come from heaven, where we will return. As man descends below all things (earth life), then he is able to rise above all things (enter into life in heaven). As man travels this path (eternal round), he realizes that he has become (is) the Father (God). He then becomes all things because he is one with all things (ie.. the atonement or at-one-ment).
Final thought: Notice that
we have progressed in this essay from looking at the Hebrew alphabet in
a single dimension (eg. a line with a beginning and an end) to looking
at it in two dimensions (a circle). Now, go back and look at the
circle and imagine it in the next (third) dimension (A sphere? -->
No. Perhaps think of spirals, a torus, a spiraled torus, etc).
How about if we look at the Figure
8 diagram in the next dimension (Figure 8 spiral)?
Now that you've read all of that, consider that it's nothing to get all worked up about. All that was said in these pages was about symbols. And symbols are tokens. Tokens, by definition, are not what is real. Tokens are meant to point somewhere else. It's like the old metaphor about 'Fingers pointing at the moon": Try not to be consumed with fingers, but try to look where they are pointing.